FLOPs and MACs in deep learning FLOPs and MAcs are used for measuring the computer performance. 2023-06-26 Deep learning Machine learning FLOPs MACs
Vision transformer: A new way to analyse image Vision transformer slices the image into patches and uses self-attention mechanisms (inter-patches) (qkv interaction) to process the features. 2023-05-24 Deep learning Machine learning attention mechanism transformer ViT vision transformer
Should I contain background class? The answer is yes Because most deep learning frameworks for segmentation and detection consider background class (classification task does not have a background label). 2023-05-24 Deep learning Machine learning segmentation detection background class
Experiment experience of deep learning and computer vision This blog has been accumulating my network training and testing experience. 2023-03-29 Scientific Research/科研 scientific research 科研 experience
Good thoughts in 2023 There are good thoughts accumulated in 2023. 2023-03-29 Scientific Research/科研 scientific research 科研 thought
Spiking neural network, a bionics way to represent and process data Spiking neural networks are bio-inspired artificial intelligence method to process signal efficiently with low power consumpsion binary signal mechanism. 2023-03-28 Deep learning Machine learning snn spiking neural network
旅行散记第四期——三月的梅州,是一座充滿花香的城市 第一次走在梅州的路上,让我感到很特别的是我闻到的花香,一种像洋甘菊般温和的香味。这种香味在各个角落有不同的演绎变化,但都是温和清新的味道。 2023-03-19 Sightseeing lifetalk travelling soul searching 梅州
Event camera - class review There are problems such as low latency, motion blur, and dynamic ranges for using the photos taken by standard cameras. The event camera doesn't have these problems. 2023-02-21 Machine learning class review event camera
2023年度計劃 ”今日復今日,今日何其少。 ”宕機了幾個月,忘掉了天地,也忘掉了天地之間的事物,包括我自己。醒來已經是恍恍惚惚的三個月后。也不能但願什麽,只想着能安排一下接下來的工作和生活。 2023-01-24 Plan plan 2023
Xiaohu Blogs 2022 年終大賞 “情不知所起,一往而深”。最近重新看了一遍《甄嬛傳》,不得不說演員的演技、劇本的邏輯和裏面的服裝道具都是可圈可點的。感觸最深的還是那句“誰能過情關”。國疫之事,尚不能、也無能操管,但心確實很難過。窮則獨善其身,本身尚且能力不足,于萬千螻蟻之中,艱難爬行。既無能無力,不如去政治化生活。又頗覺科研陷入了一個瓶頸,導師庸人,缺醍醐而灌頂;似友之人,臨患難而拒之門外,冷暖自知;意亂情疑,不知所求。 2023-01-24 Plan plan 2022 大赏