The PhD Grind book review - Research grind
Last updated on:4 years ago
Again, I haven’t undergone PhD grind experience, so that I just composed the content from Philip Guo.
PhD grind storylines
It was the norm for new students to join an existing grant-funded research project rather than to try creating their original project right away.
I found it almost impossible to shut off my brain and relax in the evenings, which I later discovered was a common ailment afflicting PhD students.
A part of me was scared because I was breaking away from the establishment to do something new and unproven without any professor support.
So I went into scheming mode once again, thinking of ways to get that final as-yet-unknown piece of work that would enable me to graduate.
I was programming and debugging for over ten hours per day. My mind was quite relaxed since my technical skills were well-calibrated for the challenges I faced.
Now that I was a PhD student, research was my only job, and I wouldn’t be able to earn a degree unless I succeeded at it.
I’m just getting started here, so I should be patient. The research was emotionally and mentally all-consuming.
I learned to channel my anger into purposeful action in what I call a productive rage.
Every rejection, doubt, and criticism spurred me to work harder to prove the naysayers wrong.
Ideas can sometimes take years to blossom, usually after several false starts.
Whenever I felt stuck, I sought experts who could help me get unstuck.
Creative ideas mean nothing without the extreme effort to bring them to fruition.
I become wiser, savvier, grittier, and more steely, focused, creative, eloquent, perceptive, and professionally effective.
`Related work literature searches for my dissertation projects were much more effective. Identifying competitors and adapting good ideas into my projects.
[1] Philp Guo, The PhD. Grind
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