Xiaohu Blogs 2021 年終大賞 “雲青青兮欲雨,水澹澹兮生煙”,雨霧矇矇,寒風透骨,景如去年。今天感覺會是香港今年最冷的一天了,溫度低到了8℃。前天是聖誕節,我第一次感受到了西方文化下的聖誕節,而且昨天趁著海洋公園送的生日飛,免費逛了一圈海洋公園。 2021-12-27 Plan plan 2021 大赏
關於香港待人文化的一些思考 初到香港,我就能從路途中的售貨員、列車員、乘客等人群中瞭解到,香港似乎與我之前在大陸接觸到的待人文化有着不一樣的態度。 2021-12-27 Lifetalk thinking culture Hong Kong
My journey to transformer The Transformer is a new era of deep learning handling images and videos. Compared to convolution, it is relatively small but maintains relatively high performance. 2021-11-29 Deep learning Machine learning attention mechanism transformer
Attention is what I first need An attention function can be regarded as mapping a query and a set of key-value pairs to an output. Attention is widely used in deep learning models' architecture. It can mimics cognitive attention by 2021-11-26 Deep learning Machine learning RNN attention mechanism
Sequence to sequence model - class review Sequences are a regular type of dataset for deep learning. Let's see how to feed them into our RNN models. 2021-11-26 Deep learning Machine learning rnn sequence
Recurrent neural network (RNN) - Class Review Recurrent neural network is widely used in speech recognition, music generation, sentiment classification, DNA sequence analysis, machine translation, video activity recognition, and name entity recog 2021-11-25 Deep learning Machine learning class review RNN
Introduction of generative adversarial networks (GANs) GANs are widely used in generating new data such as images and sequences by using the training dataset. It can help us enlarge the dataset to balance data for deep learning jobs. The application seems 2021-11-24 Machine learning machine learning gans generative adversarial networks
Some small bugs and features of Deep learning Sometimes, basic concepts are important for us to learn deep learning. I would collect the bugs and features of deep learning in this blog. 2021-11-24 Deep learning Machine learning bugs features
What is knowledge graph and what its relation to deep learning? A knowledge graph (KG) is a method to integrate data using graph connected model. Recently, researchers have shown interest in combining KG with deep learning. 2021-11-24 Deep learning Machine learning knowledge graph