YOLO algorithm YOLO (you only look once) is a fast detection algorithm, which is widely used in autonomous driving car. 2021-08-18 Deep learning Machine learning Computer vision class review YOLO
Object detection - class review Localization and detection can be used image classification, classification with localization and multiple object detection. 2021-08-18 Deep learning Machine learning Computer vision class review object detection
怎麽添加Hexo製作的網站到Google 小虎現在來到香港唸書了,所以中文博客從今日起字體都使用繁體啦~標題這個問題其實不難,我們來看看怎麽解決。 2021-08-15 HTML hexo Google 驗證 Verification
MoblieNets - Class review Sometimes, we want our network to be low computational cost at deployment, or useful for mobile and embedded vision applications. In these cases, we can make use of MobileNet to satisfy our expectatio 2021-08-15 Deep learning Machine learning class review MobileNets
Inception network - Class Review Instead of you needing to pick one of these filter sizes or pooling you want and committing to that, you can do them all and just concatenate all the ouputs. 2021-08-15 Deep learning Machine learning Computer vision class review inception network
Case study of classic networks - Class review Classic networks could be utilized in the first version of your own network. Let's see how they looks like and how do we use them. 2021-08-15 Deep learning Machine learning class review LeNet AlexNet VGG ResNet Inception
Foundations of convolutional neural networks - Class review Convolutional neural networks are widely used in computer vision because it can help you compress your network system. 2021-08-14 Deep learning Machine learning Computer vision class review CNNs convolution
旅行散记第三期——石头帝国 陕西我想是以旧朝故都而闻名的,秦、唐的几个有名的帝王都葬在这里。比较有名的就是这个秦始皇的陪葬品——兵马俑,有幸观之,感慨这石头帝国的肃穆。 几个景点兵马俑物是人非之感,石头帝国可以屹立千年不倒,而人类区区一百年寿命,也不过是其过客,看来嬴政的万世不朽目的达到了。 延安革命根据地下面这句话我觉得还是很有先见之明的,“妇女只有参加劳动,才能在经济上、政治上、文化上获得真正平等的地位”。 路遥 2021-07-28 Sightseeing travelling empire of stone 陕西
旅行散记第二期——上海红色小队 Anthony本科毕业啦,趁着大家假期空闲,索性安排了两场毕业旅行,这次上海红色之旅应该算是毕业旅行的前传。红色小队取在中共成立100周年参观一大会址之意。 2021-07-28 Sightseeing travelling 上海
Learning from Multiple Tasks - Class Review And sometimes, you may be bothered by the small dataset and the high cost to enlarge it. In some cases, you have to consider several classes within each data. Fortunately, there are some practical met 2021-06-22 Deep learning Machine learning class review transfer learning multi-tasks learning end-to-end learning